Kaori's Diary

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2012/04/09 昔のKaori
2011/07/03 実際に会った男性の国籍
2011/07/02 結婚?パートナー?
2011/04/23 ウエディングプランナー(Kaori) in London
2011/04/22 イギリス人男性とアメリカ人男性の違い

直接移動: 20124 月  20117 4 月  20104 1 月  200912 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 1 月  200812 月  200712 11 9 8 7 6 3 月  200612 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 月 

2006/09/15(金) かに座の女性へ
友人がかに座のKaori にマッチした星座と避けるべき星座を調べてくれた。血液型は結構信じていたのだけど、外国人ってAとOがほとんどでしょ? で、最近、ちょっとわからなくなってきていたの。

この友人は、Kaori がかに座ということで興味を示してきてくれてて、はじめのうちは、男性なのに星座にこだわってるなんて。。って思ってたのだけど、話をしていると、ちょっと信じてみようかなと。。


Cancer and Taurus(おうし座)...both passionate, and don't need outside interests to be content. Taurus is able to understand Cancer's changing moods. an appreciation of eachothers needs results in an enjoyable affair and successful marriage.

Cancer and Leo(しし座)...Leo tends to be a stabilizer for cancers moods. Leo is also generous with his affections and can reassure moody cancer when needed. But Leo must dominate especially sexually. If cancer yields and provides what Leo needs this can be a passionate affair and triumphant marriage.

Cancer and Scorpio(さそり座 10/24-11/22)...Scorpio's strength and need to dominate and protect is what cancer is looking for. Cancer is more sensitive in sex relations and scorpio more passionate. ut cancers desire to please helps avoid and major problems in that area. Scorpio's jealousy remains mild because cancer is loyal. Love tends to deepen and a fine afair can grow into a very good marriage.

caner and Pisces(うお座 2/20-3/20)...Sexually this is a good match. Both are highly affectionate, responsive, and provide needed ego bolstering to eachother. Cancer will probably take the lead, for Pisces tends to be somewhat eccentric with lovemaking. Most quarrels will be decided quicky in bed. A compatible couple who have great days and nights ahead!

There are your 4 matches!Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Pisces

you should avoid Capricorn, Aries, Libra, this is unsuitable for you (山羊座・おひつじ座 4/20-5/20)・てんびん座)

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