as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/08/29(日) Happy birthday!
What's today? My birthday! I became 22 years old! But usually, it had been just my birthday and nothing would happen because my birthday is in summer vacation!, so I seldom had had chances to be selebrated it by my friends. However in this month, finally I've gotten 3 cakes & parties for my birthday! I'm really happy and I really appreciate it.

In the afternoon, I went to Rieko & Ah-Yeong's house. There were 8 people in their house! which were the most members in these 10 years of my life. They cooked lunch for me, and gave me a cake, cards, and a present. Everything was perfect! After eating, we watched the closing ceremony of Olympic2004. It was too long, and climax was boring. And then, we watched an accident about men's marathon, which was terrible ever. We hardly believed this news. We hated Italian at that time! But actually, the criminal was Irish(clothes looked like Italian, though). I think even now somebody misunderstand where he is from.

I hope this year will be great.

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