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2004/08/27(金) 3 movies for a day
English again!

One week passed. I'll have just one more week to go this school. Honestly, I was suppose to skip class many times, but ironically(?) this session is quite fun! Classmate is good, teacher is great, and a lot of things happend. For example yesterday, I was surprised at being selebrated my birthday by my friends. They just asked me to eat lunch together, and they brought a cake after I finished eating lunch!! I really appreciated it. I decided I'll attend school everyday, just one more week. I'm gonna do what I want to do as much as possible.

After class, I was seeking a lunch partner. Because I promised to eat lunch with a friend a day before, but he didn't remember it and had made another plan, so I had to seek another mate. Fortunately, I could catch Rieko, Jay and Ah-Yeong, who live together now, and we went to French cafe' where I went a day before yesterday. I ate キッシュ this time, which was also delicious as french toast. After that, we walked to their house. We just relaxed, and watched 3 movies. 1st one was "Leland of U.S.A", which was about a prisoner who killed his girl friend's brother. English was easy, but story was too serious. 2nd one was...I forget, a kind of romantic comedy movie, just very long, almost 3hours. And last one was "anaconda", now '2' is on play. It was exciting, but there was one annoyance as a bad person besides an anaconda. Actually, he was more scary than the anaconda, so we thought the title of this movie could be "Annoyance"

Oh, watching 3 movies in one day is very tiring. I don't do anymore, at least in English.

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