as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/07/11(日) Oh, shit
9th→I went eating to Italian buffet restaurant with Italian, Spanish, Mexican students, very international! But ironically, they spoke their own language, The restaurant was good enough to enjoy my lunch. After that, I reserved my airplane ticket to Fredericton. I'm going to leave here on 11th in September. And then, I went to Royal Ontario Museum for the first time. I looked around for 1 hour and a half by myself. It was very huge museum, but not for me. I prefer an art museum.

10th→I slept until 3 o'clock besides breakfast and lunch. And I studied for 2hours. At 6, our ex-housemate whose name was Toru came to our house for dinner. He is Japanese, and now he has been working for Japanese restaurant in Toronto. He was a little quiet guy, but looked very nice guy. And with him, Lin, Laquel, Pauline and Jeff, I had a very nice dinner time, which was the funniest ever!

Today→I received the very bad news, I can't get business course even I pass the test in this month because it will be full until September. So I lost my goal now... I have to decide another goal, and start some new thing, otherwise my following school days will become terrible!! Get real! Shit! What a fuck'n situation is it? What a fuck'n system of the school is it? They can't prepare even one more class room for business course, even if there are a lot of other students who want to take business course...
But anyway, I played tennis with my friend, and ate lunch in Korean town, but nothing special. I have to figure out my problem first.

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