as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/06/05(土) Slow time at the park
Today, I got up 9 o'clock and ate breakfast, and did house work, and went out to welcome my friends, almost same members as yesterday. I invited my friends to play tennis, and 4 friends gathered. But actually, most of them were beginners, so it wasn't so exciting, just like practice. But anyway, we played for 2hours, and moved to St.Lawrence market for lunch. We ate the bacon sandwiche and fresh apple juice, especially sandwich was very delicious.

After lunch, we moved to a park around there, and talked each other for a long time. After coming to Toronto, I have many chances to go to parks for talking or studying. For example, I've never thought about studying in a park! But now, it's very ordinary thing. Maybe that's because there are many parks, and tables and chairs in there. I've never thought how good it is, but now I really realize its merit.

2004/06/04(金) Birthday
After school, I had two choices to do. First was to go to Brazilian restaurant with my friends and their classmates, sounds good! I've never tried Brazilian cuisine. The other was to meet Ah-Yeong and Jay, who were coming to Toronto through their school activity. And I chose the second one, I thought it was more important for me.

And the member were me, Ah-Yeong, Jay, Sung-soo, Hiro, Jun, Doek, and Chiemi. We went to Toronto island, and walked around there, but the entrance was different from the last time, so we had to walk so long time to get to the park or beach. Moreover, Ah-Yeong and Jay had another meeting with their friends, so we were separated soon,'s a pity, but that's the way it goes.

And we took a nap and talked beside a lake shore, there were many birds, sea gull, ducks, spallow, swallow...nice sight, nice time. After all, we spent a time in there for 3 hours as a total.

After going back to Toronto, we went to Korean town, and I ate ブルコギ. And I was thinking about Jun's(He is also Waseda UNV. student) birthday. Actually, in Japan, I didn't care about friends' birthday, just said "Congratulation." However now, I'm susceptible to their birthday...thanks to Canadian culture? But I haven't prepared anything for him, so I treated him to a dinner. He was so pleased with it, and I was glad too.

↓at lake shore...

2004/06/03(木) no title
Nowadays I'm bored with my classmates, why are you so quiet? how could you take this level class? what do you want to study? so, I just talked to teacher, and another friends at break time. Hummm, I wanna have more talkative person as my classmate.

After school, I went to Richard's house to play squash, he is living at the high-rise apartment, and it has a squash court. However, it wasn't available today! Oh my gosh! so we had no choice but to study at the park. I finished the homework, and wrote a birthday card for George(host grandpa), as I said before, to write a card is very common but important communication in Canada. After all, we studied for 2 hour and a half, and I said good-bye to him, and moved to a coffee shop, and finished writing the card.

At the night, I saw "Kiss of the dragon", the main actor is Jet-lee, and director is リュックベッソン, I usually like his direction. Anyway, Jet-lee is Chinese, so of course his English was easy to understand, and his costars who were western also spoke slower than the other movies, so it was appropriate for listening. Of course, the movie itself was goood.

2004/06/02(水) non-verbal communication


最近思うに、やっぱNon-verbal communicationって大事だなと。日本でも「communicationの80%(だっけ?)以上はnon-verbalだ」と聞いたけど、正直信じられなかった。俺の場合communicationの70%ぐらいは"会話" "言葉"で占められてると思ってたし、実際日本人はpersonal contactしないし(握手さえも!)、俺の場合は表情もそう豊かなほうではねーし、話し方に抑揚もない。"言葉"なしでどう会話しろってんだ!ぐらいが正直なとこであった。しかし、ここでは↑の論理は相当的を射てると思う。つまり、単純に"意味を伝える"ためというよりは、"何かを感じさせる"ため、"人を笑顔にする"ためにNon-verbalは非常に大切だ。笑顔が一つないだけで損することだって少なくない。逆に、人を笑顔にするのは"言葉"ではない、"会話の中身"ではない。それは身振り手振りだったり、意味ありげな表情だったり、表情だったり、声の抑揚だったり、身体全体で伝えるものなのだ。クールを装うと損するぜ(`□´)。クールでいていいのはマジでクールな奴だけだ。なぜなら多くの西洋人は、少なくとも日本のガキ並みに表現豊かに(つまりガキなんだが)振舞う。そいつらに対して、大人しく接してても仲良くなどなれん。大事なのは、Non-verbalである。

ってことで最近は英語の発音だけでなく、顔の表情やリアクションにも気を使うようにしてる。んで、今俺の顔の筋肉はマジ柔らかいとお思います( ̄▽ ̄)V この辺は日本で勉強しても身につかないとこだろうね。


2004/06/01(火) I lost a safe line

ただ、問題が二つ。一つはNew classの状況。全ての生徒がKoreanとJapaneseなのだ。んで、5人ぐらいがNew student、つまり英語にまだ慣れてない。どうやって俺のSpeakingが伸びるってんだ、えぇ?つまり、クラス外&学校外でなんとかせなあかんということだ。先生と授業に関しても、まぁ先生は良い、が、どうしてもコンテンツはかぶる。文法は特にそうだ。つまり、俺のMotiveを保つのがむじぃ。これまで5月病とか鬱とかなしでやってきただけに、ある日何かぷっつり切れるんじゃないかとちょっと心配だ(≧ヘ≦)

でも、ある意味感じたのは、俺は今Optimistだということです。日本にいる時よりずっと楽観的です。まだいけます。たぶん相当今月は勉強するでしょう(なんの?)。でも、とにかく寝ないとだめな人間なので、その分もうちょっと時間の割り振りを考えなければあかんかもです。例えばネットする時間とか…(-_-;) あと、新しいことを何か始めないとあかんと。ジムに行くんでも良いし、なんかの活動に参加する、趣味を持つ(これ一番むずいなぁ)、チューターを取ってみる…とにかく何でも。


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