as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/05/18(火) 2$
Can you guess what kind of price↑ it is? It is the fee of baseball game! Today's game was CocaCola day, thanks to CocaCola&Co, we could see a major league baseball game for 2$.

After school, firstly we went to the library and finished our homework, and ate dinner at Korean restaurant. I ate ビビンパ with side dishes just for 5$, so nice! And after dinner, our stomachs were full, so we took a walk to stadium about 40minutes.

The last time, the baseball game was so boring, so I was afraid of being same situation as the last game a bit. However today, there were a lot of people came to see the game, and roof of the stadium was opened, excellent! Even though Japanese national game would be more exciting, I was satisfied at today's game, and Toronto Blue Jays beat Minnesota Twins.

After coming back to home, I tried to study more, but I didn't have enough power to study any more...

2004/05/17(月) Restart
The night of a day before, I saw the WEB site of a friend. You know? him!...take a guess. And, I was embrassed about my life, because there was big difference between mine and his even if the situation should be similar. Such as scale, activity, study...such kinds of "inputs" were completely different. Of course, even now I enjoy my life, and study English at the school, however, I wonder if it is good enough for me. Before coming to Toronto, I decided that I would have an advantage in terms of English skill against rivals, because I would study abroad just for English, and go to language school, I must! ( ̄‥ ̄)=3 However still now, maybe I don't make enough advantage against them. I must remind my goal and rebuild my mind, otherwise I will regret.

So, after school, I went to the library for study after long separation. I tried the language center for the first time, and studied about pronunciation for 3 hours. And after going back to home, I studied 3 hours more. Although it seemed to be so hard for me, it wasn't a big deal for me at that time, because I have to restart my life in Toronto.

2004/05/16(日) ぐすっ
せっかく書いたんですが手違いにより消えたので、日本語にします。今日の朝、俺の人生的にもっとも残酷なものを目にした。Sparkyが、うちの飼い鳥を食ったのだ!目の前で…あぁ、なんてことを…おかげでめちゃめちゃNiceな今日の朝食はおじゃん、逆に今日のSparkyは終始テンション高く、手がつけられないほど。He needs a lesson.


昼食後、ダウンタウンに繰り出す。友達が言うにはAsian Festivalが開催されてるらしい、が、不運にもそれらしきものはNothing.というわけでLake of Ontarioに移動、港でのんびりする。んーいい休日。

家に戻ると、Paulineの兄さん、と彼の奥さん&3人娘が。せっかくなのでちょっと話す。わぉ、みんなそろって美人じゃん(#^.^#) しかし、思うのである。みんな良くも悪くも魅せ過ぎなのだ、外国人というのは。チラリズムをゆうに超えている。そこらじゅうおぱーいオパーイ、ごく自然。自然すぎて、セックスアピールもクソもない。というわけで、どうやら俺はカナダで不感症になりそうです(-_-;)。

2004/05/15(土) A day off
I woke up at 10 O'clock, in fact, my mind clock forced me awake at 7, but I slept again and again. At that time, everybody was absent(I don't know why), so I ate breakfast by myself, and start cleaning my room, and washed my clothes. Oh, I need summer clothe more!

And I had a big problem, yesterday on the way to home, the back wheel of my bicycle was bursted Σ(T□T) so, I had to fix it. But how? go to bike shop, or fix by myself? After all, I chose to fix by myself, everything is experience d(-_☆) Firstly, I went to hard ware store, and bought a repair patch. I thought I could try it as soon as I bought it, but I found another big problem, there wasn't air pump!(><) Get real! so I had to buy an air cost was 17$...not so bad? And I managed to fix my bike. Fixing itself was not so difficult, but I had a hard time setting a wheel to formar position after fixing.

Then, I ate lunch and took a nap. I slept 3 hours, and became fine (`0´)ノ But maybe still not enough...

2004/05/14(金) Mandarin
Today's breakfast, Joan was laughing, laughing, laughing... Hey! What are you laughing about? She was reading the news paper about travel(←the most crucial point), and the content at top page was...Japanese, Fuckin Japanese! the title of that article is "Strange sightings" and sub-title was "Tokyo's trendy teenagers are dressed to thrill tourists"...NO! Absolutely NO! Oh my gosh. What a fuckin article it was, what a fuckin Japanese he was!!? Who would like to come to Japan after reading this fuckin "Travel article"!? When I read that article, I laughed, but not really. I found foreiger would misunderstand about Japan and Japanese by such like information. After coming to Toronto, I feel I'm Japanese more strongly, and sometimes disgusted, and sometimes proud of Japanese.

After school, I went to Mandarin, Chinese buffet restaurant nearby Eglinton station(opposite direction from my house) with my friends. As you can see, I went to there by bicycle, and so hard work...but good for preparetion of lunch. The scale of the restaurant was so large, and there were various kinds of foods. We enjoyed our lunch time for 2 hours, and it cost 11$.

After lunch, I took a walk to nearby school with Rieko, who is Japanese girl and she will go to Vancouver at the last of this month. She was same age as me, and thinking about many things...same as me. And we talked about serious topics after a long time, but in English(That's why I like her as a friend). We walked about 50 minutes, end continued to talk in a coffee shop. Although I had a good time with her, I got tired physically and mentally very much(;´Д`A`` It will take a little more time to accustom all English life completely...


2004/05/12(水) Shopping
In this afternoon, our class members went out to St. Lawrence Market because Nicole(afternoon class teacher) suggested us to explore around the market. And we made groups, and explore the market, and interview with staffs of shops. Such activity was nice, but questions were too simple to have a good conversation with staffs at this time.

That activity was finished at so early time, so I went shopping to Eaten Center for purchasing clothes by myself. Alone is the best as for shopping, I think. However, shopping in Toronto has a little difficulty because, anyway Canadian is not fashionable…( ̄  ̄;) except Hip-hop style(Black men with hip-hop style clothes are the nicest!). Especially, Japanese and Korean girls dislike the Canadian style fashion. Thay said to me that Canadian clothes aren't cute, not colorful(or too colorful), and too tight(According to the guide book, Canadian people put importance on shape of clothes). As for men, I think Canadian fashion is loose shape, and too casual for me, and color is not good, and expensive(because there is no chain store like 'UNICLO' or 'Jeans mate' except 'GAP').
But luckily, I found the nice cloth shop in Eaten Center. Not so expensive, and style of cloth is similar to Japanese style. And I bought a short-sleeved shirt, cost 59$(expensive? no, you can discount 20% off automatically according to currency rate between Jpn and Canada U ̄ー ̄U ニヤリ).

  After that, I enterd a drug store, and bought a sun block lotion because the sunshine of Toronto causes sunburn easily.

2004/05/11(火) mean girl
Today was sunny day, hot day, so, I trid to go to school by my bicycle. It was so confortable, so fast, so exciting, and...anyway, it was so nice because nothing prohibits me to go ahead! I don't have to wait for bus coming, bus stopping, subway stopping, any stress is dissapeard.

Recently, I was succeeded in making nice western friends. They are from Switzerland, and not so crazy(笑), but friendly, and their English is easy to understand(←the most important point!). We take the personal contact(skinship), and sometimes enjoy lunch together. Now, my life is put on the track, and everything is fine!

After the school, I went to see a movie with my friends, whose title is "Mean Girl", a kind of high school spring movie. I met them in front of the theater at 4:30, but that movie would be opened at 7:30( ̄▽ ̄;) so, firstly we ate dinner together, and enjoy talking, and did our homework. The theater whose name was "Rainbow theater" costed just 4$, because the price of movie is changed by scale of theaters, and the scale of Rainbow theater was small. That movie was very funny, and cheerful, but I thought the laugh points between Asian and Western are different exactly( ̄~ ̄;)

2004/05/10(月) 一休み
  ふぃ。久々に日本語。親に電話するとき(親を大切にする人は、カナダまじおススメよ。400円程度で300分国際電話がかけられる国はそうはねぇだろう…まぁ、そういう俺はほとんど電話なぞかけてませぬが)と、月一開催されるJapanese day(笑)以外は一切しゃべっておりません。こうやってメールや日記を日本語で書いてるときも「今まで築いてきたものがくずれるんじゃないか」とある種の恐怖感を感じるぐらい。逆に久々に日本語しゃべると、なんか英語を日訳してるような日本語(無駄に"とにかく"とか使ってたり…"Anyway")で、例えると、「地球に降り立った宇宙飛行士が、久々に感じる重力に違和感を感じてる」みたいな。


  更に、図書館でもESLの教材が利用できることを発見!熱い!(;´д`)ゞ アチィー!!(最近顔文字辞書なるものをD/Lして文章が無駄に変化してる俺) 




2004/05/09(日) WALMART
Today, I was woken up by Lin at 10 O'clock. Because, we promised that we would try going to my school by bicycle, so, we ate breakfast and went out. In toronto, there is no road for bicycle and we couldn't ride it on the street for walkers, so it was a little dangerous. But, it took just 30 minutes to my school though we went there at a slow pace.

After that, Lin introduced me Japanese girl whose name is Saki, and we ate lunch at Korean restaurant. She was just 19 years old, and had a dream to work as a counsellor for children who are suffering from poor or abuse. Her English was very good because she have stayed here for 10 months. Anyway, we had a good lunch, and I and Lin saw off her at a station.

However, time was just 2 O'clock, too early to go home, so we went to shopping mall nearby Dufferin station. In that mall, there was WALMART, very famous discount store in USA, and that was my first time to go there. We looked around the store, and I bought my own tennis racket, and balls. Every products in WARMART were very cheap, and the amount were huge. After that, we enjoyed window shopping at the other shops for a while, and went back home.

Although my legs were sored because of yesterday's exercise, I wanna try my new racket, so we played tennis nearby our house. My racket was so nice, and new balls were also nice(big difference from 1$ ball!). However, courts were so crowded, so we played just for 1 hour.

2004/05/08(土) Squash!
Today, I woke up 8:30, I wanna sleep more, but the clock of brain didn't allow me sleep till late.

At 10 O'clock, I did house work, and I went out to buy lunch with Lin(If we waited a little more, we would eat lunch by Pauline), a Korean cup noodle, spicy again? but, price was just 99¢, and tasty.

After lunch, we went out, and meet my friends at YMCA. And in YMCA, we played squash and basket ball. Do you know squash? similar to tennis and ping pong. It was very hard sport, but very exciting d(>_< )Good!! However, our play of basket ball was terrible because we had already got tired from squash, no, my play is terrible from the first?
YMCA have a lot of activities and facilities, such as aerobics, jym, swimming pool. I wish its location was nearer than that place.


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