as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/05/05(水) Romantic
Today was my first class of next level. When I went to school, firstly I talked to yesterday's teacher, and made excuses for changing the level, then, I attended the new class. At the new class, there were students who come from many countries, such as Spain, German, Switzerland, Mexico...good for me. And teachers were better than last month, and contents of the lesson was more creative, I liked that. In the afternoon class, we saw the video about "Romantic about Japan", it indicated that Japanese men are the least romantic people in the world(><)...exactly. I can't agree more, but mortifying a bit.

But, today, I was sleepy, I wasn't sure why I got so tired, maybe, a life with English itself takes a lot of energy of me, so, I couldn't talk to friends well.

After school, I went to book store, and seek an easy business book or an original of movie, but I couldn't find a good one, so I gave up about that and tried reading Japanese guide book in English. It was very interesting, because, I could know how are Canadian thinking about Japanese.

At 19 o'clock, I went back to home, and saw the movie whose title was "The big fish", what kind of title it was!? so simple! However, that was the very wonderful, heartful human drama. If it were in Japanese, I would weep.

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