as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/05/28(金) Blink 182
Today, we knew the result of the test, but especially the mark of grammer test was low, because of too strict checking. Why? In my opinion, many of us got high mark for reading and listening test, so maybe teacher had to check strickty for making difference of our score.

After that, we had the graduation ceremony in our school, and I had to say "Good bye" to many friends, especially セルジオ ガブリエル 青史 セリーン...too many. I took pictures with them, and ask them to tell e-mail address. Nevertheless keeping touch each other is difficult, I wanna manage to do it. Because they are my precious people...truly.

After saying good-bye to them, I had to see off Rieko. She would just study in Vancuber for 2months and come back to Toronto, so we can meet again. But she was also precious friend for me, so I missed a little. I wrote a card to her(In Canada, to send a card is very common way to send a message). I could just do that, no more. But I'm looking forward to meeting her again, this feeling is stronger than that of missing her. Because we are good rivals each other(^O^)

At 5, I met Richard and Philipp, and Yukiko, and go to see the concert of "Blink 182", Pop Punk Band of USA. It sounded so exciting, but we had 2 problems. 1st was the place. we thought the stage of the concert would be inside a hall, but actually it was outsight, such as "Fuji Rock Festival", so we felt cold very much. 2nd one was the other guests, it had 2 more bands as "前座" before Blink-182. Their play were just noisy & loud. Many of audience enjoyed their play, but we shouted "Fuck off!" Oh, Swiss guys make my words rude...?
And the play of Blink started, we were waiting for you! Their play was so melodious, and exciting. Everyone was standing up, and putting their hands up, shouting loudly, and smiley anyway. Although it was cold, we got hot thanks to such a nice concert. I wanna go to see it again.

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