as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/05/14(金) Mandarin
Today's breakfast, Joan was laughing, laughing, laughing... Hey! What are you laughing about? She was reading the news paper about travel(←the most crucial point), and the content at top page was...Japanese, Fuckin Japanese! the title of that article is "Strange sightings" and sub-title was "Tokyo's trendy teenagers are dressed to thrill tourists"...NO! Absolutely NO! Oh my gosh. What a fuckin article it was, what a fuckin Japanese he was!!? Who would like to come to Japan after reading this fuckin "Travel article"!? When I read that article, I laughed, but not really. I found foreiger would misunderstand about Japan and Japanese by such like information. After coming to Toronto, I feel I'm Japanese more strongly, and sometimes disgusted, and sometimes proud of Japanese.

After school, I went to Mandarin, Chinese buffet restaurant nearby Eglinton station(opposite direction from my house) with my friends. As you can see, I went to there by bicycle, and so hard work...but good for preparetion of lunch. The scale of the restaurant was so large, and there were various kinds of foods. We enjoyed our lunch time for 2 hours, and it cost 11$.

After lunch, I took a walk to nearby school with Rieko, who is Japanese girl and she will go to Vancouver at the last of this month. She was same age as me, and thinking about many things...same as me. And we talked about serious topics after a long time, but in English(That's why I like her as a friend). We walked about 50 minutes, end continued to talk in a coffee shop. Although I had a good time with her, I got tired physically and mentally very much(;´Д`A`` It will take a little more time to accustom all English life completely...


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