as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/05/30(日) A nice vacation vol.2
Today, I woke up at Chiemi's house, and she cooked breakfast for me...what a happy time it was. Today was also a sunny day like yesterday.

After that slow time, we went out to see "Casa Roma", a castle built by a sergeant. Even though it wasn't so old building, there was construction. It cost 12$, I thought it's expensive, but actually, there were a lot of things to see, and we enjoyed them. And it had a beautiful garden, including a fountain and many flowers. We just sat there without talking for a while, anyway beautiful sight & nice time.

After that, we went back to house, and she also cooked lunch for me. I could'nt thank her more for giving me such a good time. We ate pasta, and drank a cup of Chinese tea.

Anyway, thanks to her, I could relax very much, and I went back home for dinner at 6 o'clock.

I could sleep well.

2004/05/29(土) A nice vacation
Today was a perfect sunny day, and Richard asked me to go to Toronto Island. Why not? Then, we met at 11, and there were Philipp, Andrare, Yoshio, and Frank. Firsly, we got on the ferry, and enjoy it about 15minutes, and arrived at Island. It took my breath off! because it was so beautiful, there was a grassland and beach, and birds were flying aroud us, and anyway so nice weather! That's perfect! At there, we ate pizza, and walked around, took pictures, and took a nap. Very slow time...relax... At 5, we departed from the island. I wanna go there to take a nap again.

And at there, I had a interesting conversation with Swiss guys. A Japanese girl who likes skinship lookes like a play girl, so they want refuse such a girl. "Beat it!" It's the view from western guys! I think there is some difference between Japanese girl's skinship and Western girl's skinship. Even though such girls just trid to communicate with western guys, it would show the opposite effect. What's the difference? I wanna observe it!

And after that, I had another meeting with Japanese guys and another Richard, who is Chiemi's hostmother's boyfriend. And he took us to...Strip show. Wow! It prohibited bringing camera, so I couldn't take pictures, but show was so nice. Because the music was nice, and performances of beautiful girls were looked so happy, healthy, sexy, fresh, funny...maybe completely different from Japanese style, as far as I imagined.

We enjoyed it for 2 hours, and went back to Chiemi's house. And I stayed at her house, and talked for a long time, so nice day...(we are just a friend^^;)

↓On the ferry

2004/05/28(金) Blink 182
Today, we knew the result of the test, but especially the mark of grammer test was low, because of too strict checking. Why? In my opinion, many of us got high mark for reading and listening test, so maybe teacher had to check strickty for making difference of our score.

After that, we had the graduation ceremony in our school, and I had to say "Good bye" to many friends, especially セルジオ ガブリエル 青史 セリーン...too many. I took pictures with them, and ask them to tell e-mail address. Nevertheless keeping touch each other is difficult, I wanna manage to do it. Because they are my precious people...truly.

After saying good-bye to them, I had to see off Rieko. She would just study in Vancuber for 2months and come back to Toronto, so we can meet again. But she was also precious friend for me, so I missed a little. I wrote a card to her(In Canada, to send a card is very common way to send a message). I could just do that, no more. But I'm looking forward to meeting her again, this feeling is stronger than that of missing her. Because we are good rivals each other(^O^)

At 5, I met Richard and Philipp, and Yukiko, and go to see the concert of "Blink 182", Pop Punk Band of USA. It sounded so exciting, but we had 2 problems. 1st was the place. we thought the stage of the concert would be inside a hall, but actually it was outsight, such as "Fuji Rock Festival", so we felt cold very much. 2nd one was the other guests, it had 2 more bands as "前座" before Blink-182. Their play were just noisy & loud. Many of audience enjoyed their play, but we shouted "Fuck off!" Oh, Swiss guys make my words rude...?
And the play of Blink started, we were waiting for you! Their play was so melodious, and exciting. Everyone was standing up, and putting their hands up, shouting loudly, and smiley anyway. Although it was cold, we got hot thanks to such a nice concert. I wanna go to see it again.

2004/05/27(木) God knows I've tried
Today was the Oral & Grammer test day. After all, I just studied for 2 hours yesterday, but I had a good sleep. At that time, my order of oral test was first of all, so I didn't have any time to be nervous, I mean it was good for me. And Grammer test looked like so easy for me.

After the school, I went to eat a cake with my friends. That cake shop had various kinds of tart(タルト), and I chose Peach Melba. It was delicious, but too fruity for me, like the cakes of Cafe' Comme Ca.

From 7, I joined a farewell party of Hiroshi, a member of "Japanese day(a day we can speak Japanese once a month)" He had already stayed here for 5 months, and he would stay in Japan until September. Tonight, over 20 people gathered for him, it's amazing! I envied him...(゜-、゜) We drank beer, and he had a speech in English and Japanese, and the party continued until 11.

2004/05/26(水) Korean food for Swiss
After the school, I took Frank, swiss guy, to Koran town to eat Koran food, because that is his first time to eat Korean food. He wasn't accustomed to spicy food, so I chose プルコギ for him. And I ate 豚キムチ, too spicy for me! We enjoyed our time just for 2 hours because of tomorrow's test.

Why do you ask if I studied English after going back to home? No way...

2004/05/25(火) Hair Cut
Today was the listening and reading test day. But I didn't have any way to prepare for listening and reading, actually, we can just prepare for grammer test. I took an exam, and I knew the result next day. After all, my score was over 90%, so I got a nice start of the test.

And after school, I tried to cut my hair for the first time in Toronto. Firstly, I was thinking about cutting hair in China town, because the price would be cheap. But, I wasn't sure about skills of them, and I imagined the worst in conclusion, I chose Japanese hair salon in Korean town. The staff of this shop had been in my school! so amazing! We had some common friends of us. And after that, she cut my hair well, so I will choose that shop even next time.

2004/05/24(月) Victoria day
Today was Victoria day, the birthday of Queen Victoria, it's holyday! No school! However, tomorrow would be test, so I couldn't sleep late. I woke up 9 o'clock, ate breakfast and did housework.

At 11:30, I went out to Korean town with Lin. Firstly, we ate lunch, spicy Miso stew, delicious!(この休日韓国料理ばっかだなぁ、俺) After lunch, we seeked a coffee shop for study, and entered 'Second Cup', the chain coffee shop in Canada. I like "Ice White Moccachino", White chocolate version of Cafe' Mocca. We studied about 4 hours at there.

After study, I seeked the CD of "Blink182", famous pank rock artist, because I was asked to go to see a concert by リチャード, so I have to listen their music well, otherwise I won't be able to follow their music. It cost just 17$, so cheap!

Next, we went back to home and finish dinner, and played tennis for 1 and a half. Oh, how can I study more? I wanna sleep!

2004/05/22(土) むっかー


始めにBlock Universityという、Ah-youngとJayが通ってる大学(彼女らが通ってるのはESLだけど)の見学へ。広い、が何も特別なものはなかった。ってか広すぎだぜおぃ〜ESL目的ならいらねーってば。色々回って、その後はカフェで一休み。


帰りがけにビデオショップに立ち寄り、"Love Actually"と"Final destination 2"を借りる(なんつー組み合わせだ)。んで、スーパーで買い物、している間にMissonが一つ。リエコの誕生日を祝うのだ、今夜。実際は31日なのだが彼女がVancuberに行くのと、今日がメンバー的にもBestだろうと考えてのこと。部屋の飾りと、カードなどを買う。



マジだ。パッキンのそれはそれはうつくしーおねーたま2人が俺に話しかけてきたのだ。まー、彼女らからすればナンパという意味じゃないかもだが、俺からすればBig deal。始めちょいとまどい気味(。・・。) しかしここは外国、んで英語、どうあがいてもテレる環境じゃない。と、いうわけでしばし会話。しかし、ここで問題が一つ。俺のListeningだ。あぁ、哀れな俺。あんまし聞き取れない。Pardon?もちょっとカッコつかねーし、でもカッコつけてもしょーがねーし、いやしかしなぁ…と、スタンス中途半端な俺。結局20分ほどで俺の初体験は幕を閉じる。だって買い物中だしな…あぁ、悔しい。

家に戻り、リエコに夕食の準備を手伝わせてる間に準備開始。ケーキにロウソクともして、バルーンを壁にはっつけ、部屋を暗くし、うーん、いい感じ。完了後、リエコをリビングに呼んで…Happy Birthday!YEAH! うーん、その時の反応といったら…表現無理。とにかくParty開始、飯くい、酒飲み、ケーキ食いつつ映画を見る。"Love actually"は良かった。"Final destination"はマジやばい。何がやばいって、表現がRealまくる。ホラーのほうがマシだ。怖いって言うより、気分が悪くなる。つまり、作品としての完成度は高いのだ、この手の映画が好きな人にはおススメするぜ。


…カメラのバッテリー切れたので撮れませんでした(*ノ-;*) 友達にメールで送ってもらおう…

2004/05/21(金) Departure
In the morning, I gave the advice about bike from Pauline, she advised me to buy a long chain key.

However, she didn't know the fact that her bicycle would be stolen today...what a ironical fate it was!!

Anyway, I had to pick my bike up and buy a new wheel, so I went to downtown by street car. Although it was easy to find it, it was difficult to bring it to bike store because that time was just rush hour, so every transportation prohibit me to bring bike into there, so I had to bring it on foot.
At 9:15, I reached the store, but it wasn't opened yet, so I killed the time at coffee shop. Oh, so tiring...
But after asking staff of the store, everything went smooth and well. It cost 25$.

And after bringing it to home, I attended the school from 11. And after school, I departed to Niagara falls with my friends by rented car (o^∇^o)ノ Today's weather was so nice, so drive was also nice!

The main purpose of this trip was to visit our friends(2 Korean girls)house and cheer them up, because they got bored with their life in Niagara falls(nothing to do!). So firstly we visited there, and talked each other. After that, we went to Niagara falls at night, and picked up Mexican and Spanish friends, total number was 11 one house? Are we serious?

The night version of Niagara falls was also beautiful. It was lighted up and fantastic, and today there was fire works! but I prefere one at day time, more meaningful.

After that, we went back to Ah-Young and Jay's(Korean girls) house, and cooked&ate Korean dinner with alcohol. It was spicy but so delicious, and we sat up late until 2.

↓Ah-Young and ヒメナ,セルシオ, カタリーナ feat. Mr.Snail☆彡

2004/05/20(木) Lack of luck of buck(money)
Recently, I'm sleepy and exhausted everyday...because of English? bicycle? or play&pleasure? I don't know why, but I don't have enough time to take a rest(I mean, I don't have enough time to spent a time alone).

Today's after school, I would go to see the musical "Producer", so firstly I went back to home and took a rest after a long separation. After sleeping for 2 hours, I ate dinner with host family, and they asked me to go to a pub the following week. Of course yes! Why not?...tiring?(ノ_-;)ハア…

And I went to see the musical by bicycle. Just 30$, and nice hall. The main theme of "Producer" was "You can do it!", and so funny and cheerful. Although the musical itself was so nice and fantastic, the play time of it was too long(3hours) for me to concentrate, so I thought "Manma Mia" is better than it.

And after that, the time was over 23 o'clock, I returned to my bicycle...Oh, no. Can you guess? The front wheel of bike was gone! disappear! stolen!。
Why...? why only mine? Don't make me exhaust anymore!
Anyway I was too disapponted to take it back to home, so I just get on the street car, and went to bed.

Don't upset.


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