as a lily

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2007/03/03 復活
2006/11/07 無題
2006/09/02 へたれぷー
2006/08/16 ぷーたろー夏休み
2006/08/06 2ヶ月も経ってたなんて

直接移動: 20073 月  200611 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2004/04/30(金) 中断
はい、ここから日本語で失礼します(笑) はい、最近色々Shockingなことが多すぎてメールも日記もやる気が起きませんでした。まー俺に何か起きたわけではない、On the contrary,無事テストも通って次のLevelに進出が決定。ただし、俺的にもう2つも上にいかないと目標であるBusiness Courseに進めないので、全然まだまだ。なので、潰れない程度に来月もOn fire! なので、みなさん応援よろしくお願いしますm(_ _"m)ペコリ 

Shockingというのは、Kevinが突然家の事情でKoreaに帰ってしまったり、俺の会った限りThe purest personであるLinが初恋に勉強に悩んでたり、Paulineも母親の死で色々あったりで、どうもThis weekはマジUnfortunateなわけなのよ。俺は俺でテスト勉強もあったし…というわけで今に至ってます。



2004/04/27(火) Funeral
In this afternoon, I received the result of the yesterday's test. My score was... 39/45, about 86%, not so bad, no, I'm not sure it's good score, because I had to have the advantage of westan students by reading and grammer. Perhaps, I won't reach the level of westan people at the oral test, after all, how can I prepare for oral test? I hear that the most important test for advance level is the oral test, however, I think the curriculums of this school doesn't follow this condition. Oh, fuckin test!

After school, I went back to home, and saw great many Canadian guys, that's because, today was Pauline's mother's Funeral day, so there were many relatives of her. And tonight, I and my housemates attended the funeral. Funeral of Canada was very simple. The hall was simple, and there were just the coffin of her, her pictures, flowers, and chairs. However, mood was quite good, no one was crying, very casual atmosphere. I like it. And we talked to some Canadian people. Their English was so easiar to listen than the other westans', their voices were very clear, and the stress of sentences were also understandable. I want Canadian as a friend!

2004/04/26(月) 1st test
Today was the test day for the advance level, and it was the first time for me to exam the test. Todays's subjects were reading and listening. I was sleepy also today, so, I was afraid of making a success in the test. However, test of my class was quite easy, so, I might fill correct answers. But, the most important test is oral test, so, I can't have been relaxing yet. Maybe I will study more tonight...what's a surprise! I have been studying! Big difference from my university days without studying eh?

After school, I found a good used book store, and I found the book about business negotiation, and bought it, just 1$! I tried reading the book, but, there were many words that I had never seen before, so, I took the dictionary and continued reading. Today's pases I read were just 4 pages!...Good luck,me.

I wanna introduce something about economy in Toronto, just from my view. I think that Canadian products and services are not so competitive, especially food. For example, every brands(maker) of potato chips have same tastes, and no their original tastes. And moreover, I've never seen any kinds of "limited products(限定品)" in Toronto. It's strange, I think.

But, I have a good servise in Toronto. The toronto's newpaper has "Dead-person advertising servise", so if you want to notice the death of your relative to someone, you can put the article on the newspaper. Although it costs some money, I think it's good servise, and company would get some clients constantly.

2004/04/25(日) Dalai Lama
Today, I woke up 9 o'clock, and I washed clothes. After that, I went to Skydome to receive ticket for "Dalai Lama Public talk" with Kevin. We thought that today's skydome would be very crowded with people, so, we came here early time. But, there was few people, so, "unfortunately" we could get the tickets easily. Oh, how can we kill the time until 1:30?(we would meet Chiemi, my female Japanese friend at this time) As a result, we went to China town, and looked for Chinese restaurant for lunch, and trid some Chinese snacks. But, today was so cold, and rainy day, I might catch a cold!...just kidding

At 1:30, we and Chiemi met at the station, and moved to China town. We ate Chinese restaurant, and I ate Duck noodle whose noodle was very thin, so, it was easy to become soft...Shit!

After lunch, we went skydome, which is very crowded with people. I heard the number of people is over 25,000!! And its cost was only 12$, very cheap! Of course, all seats were full. We saw some ceremonies, and someone's talking, and after that... Dalai Lama appeard! We could see his big & heartful smile directly. And his speech was also impressed. He talked us about "The power of compassion". He told that the difference of all human being is a little, but, human beings think individually for their desire, this is a big problem for human relationship and World Peace. Then, to solve this problem, he showed 3 elements to us, Compassion, Determination, and Patient. We must respect other's interest, such as religion, culture, economy, policy, etc. There were success case, such as emigrated countries, they transcended their own views and interests to unite for building their new countries. One for all, all for one, we must take action just for the love and peace of each other. He has talked for 3hours, and I was so impressed by his speech, and I wanna buy his books, and study about his thought.

After that, we went Korean town, and ate dinner. We orderd "Sundaebokkun" recommended by Kevin. It was a little spicy, but tasty.

Oh, Tomorrow is my first test of the school, reading and lessoning, so I'll study. Good luck me!

2004/04/24(土) Nice Saturday
I woke up 9 o'clock. Today, Pauline's mother had been dead. She was so sad, but busy, so I couldn't talk to her.
In the morning, I went to the library, and studied a little, slept in the other time... And I went shopping for dishes, materials for dinner, and telephone card at 1$ shop and super market. Oh, my bicycle is so comfortable, eh?

Today, I received the E-mail from Shogo, and I was so glad to receive it. We promised to send a post card, internationally relation! My home stay address is 157 Dowling avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6K 3A9 Send me, please!

After lunch, I took rest, and I started preparation for today's dinner. Today's menu was Oyako-Don and Miso-soup. I cooked rice with pot(very difficult!),cut chicken and other
materials, made "Dashi", etc etc... Perfect! Good smell! Tasty! Everyone prefered my dinner, but I'm not sure, because they are so kind.

Tomorrow would be tennis day, but would be rainy day, so we played tennis today. At that time, tennis court was very crowded, but, Turkish couple let us use court, and as a result, we played together. We became tired, but excited very much. I hope we would see each other.

Now, Lin is talking to his parents through internet. He has WEB camera and microphone, so, he can talk to them with seeing each face, through the computer. Good for him. And I've spoken Chinese to Chinese people for the first time! Woh!

2004/04/23(金) Japanese Day
Today is Friday, so, we don't have afternoon class. After school, I went to Japanese shopping mall(?) with 3 friends. This mall was so far from my school, and it took over 1 hour. At the mall, there were many kinds of Japanese food, books, CDs, and so on. I bought "miso" and "shichimi pepper", but, these price is too expensive, twice price of Japan !, for example, "Jump" costs 5$. And after shopping, we ate "zaru soba". Its taste was quite good. My friends also liked it.

After going back to downtown, we went Korean town. I bought materials for dinner of the following day. Such as Rice, Rice cake, leeks, and "shiitake", only 7$! but it was heavy a little...

After that, I said to them "See you next Monday!", and went to meet my Japanese friends whose both names are "Hiro". Today was "Japanese day", we have some stress because of prohibiting Japanese, so, it's also necessary for us to speak Japanese at least once a month.
We went to Japanese restaurant, "Sei sushi", at downtown. The looking of the restaurant was so nice, the mixture of both Western and Japanese traditional, I think this style would be new in Japan, if someone import this style into Japan. Although the taste of food was a little arranged for Canadian, its taste was good. And we talked to each other in Japanese as much as possible, so we were so relaxed. Anyway, we had a good day!

Recently, my homestay mates are talking about boys and girls... I will write about it, if I have a chance.

2004/04/22(木) Baseball@Canada

今日のLessonはそこそこおもろかった。Job interviewもどきみたいなので、やっぱ自分で意見を考えてしゃべるのはおもろい、Creativeだしね。もっとこういうのを増やして欲しい。

放課後、School activityで野球を見に行く。トロントのBlue JaysとメジャーのRed Soxの一戦。しかし…Terrible.まず会場に人がいない。今の時期はホッケーも大盛況だし、Jaysは負け続きだしで、ってのはあるが、しかし閑散としてる。しかも、応援団とかいねー。みんな淡々と見てるか、好き勝手声を出してて、consistencyがない。How can I follow this game? 結局いたたまれなくて途中で帰ってしまった。が、帰った後Jaysが打ちまくって大勝したらしい…It's my choice.


2004/04/21(水) Carelessness
I got lost my wallet... Oh, my god. Jeez(Jesus!)... Maybe, I lost on my way to home. Because, I used my wallet for buying TTC ticket, so I must have wallet at that time. Anyway, this is the worst accident that I can expect. So, today, I was absent from school, and called the card company, and went to the office by my bicycle. And then, I could receive a new city bank card, and I will be able to use from tomorrow. Whoo, much better. But, because of this accident and fatigue from school life, I was so tired by mentally and physically, so I slept for 3 hours.

When I got up and went to kitchen for dinner, Lin was there, he had headache, and quit the job today. And we ate dinner together. He received a call from Haruko, and be invited to study in library with her, not Keven! Maybe, Lin became a new victim of her for studying English.

After the dinner, I went out from home to see "Mamma-Mia!" on our school activity, the very popular musical, you know? When I got to there, there are only 11 people beside me. What's surprise!, because, in my memory, there were many students who applied this activity. So, maybe there had been lottery, and I was choiced. Oh, lucky me!...beside my accident.
To be honest, I was so impressed at "Mamma-mia". It was so wonderful, exciting, cheerful, funny...I couldn't express more. I preferd Drama without music to Musical, because, most of Japanese musical I've ever seen have only one way to express, just dancing with song. However, in this musical, there are various kinds of way to express drama with music, such as talk something with singing, or only one actor sings and the others are speaking simply. And action was very big, smart, and smooth, like skating. So today, I found the limitless possibility of Musical. I want to recommend this musical, which is also opend in Japan. But I'm not sure "Mamma-mia" in Japan is same as that of Canada, because their direction and acts were so bold and natural. I think their acts also come from their nationality.


2004/04/20(火) Crazy
はぁ、WARELESS成功。なんだかんだで、昨日から今日にかけて5時間ぐらいパソに向かってた気がする。What? Not so much? だって毎日6時半おきの生活なのさ。

学校は中盤ちょっとうとうと。最近英語やってて思うのが、実際使う英語(単語)と、日本で勉強するものが全然違うということ。一番むずいのがEmotionalな表現の仕方。「くやしい」とかわかるか?be motified atだってよ。わかんねーだろ(笑) あと、生活用品の名前も意外と知らない。ネギとか(Leek)、鍋(Pot…やかんだけじゃないんだ)、布団(Futon…まんまやん)。あと、「頑張れ!」とかね。Good luck!以外に思いつかんもん。しかもなんか「幸運を!」って訳してしまう自分がいて、いまいち使いにくかったり。

結局試合は勝って、すごい状態に。まだベスト8になっただけなのに、通りの車はサイレン鳴らすし、みんな抱きしめあったりはしゃいだりで、騒がしかったっす。Go hospital, everybody!


2004/04/19(月) もし世界が100人の村だったら


「もし世界が100人の村だったら」みたいな本、みんな知ってると思うが、「今の勉強環境に満足していない」という悩みを持つ人は何人だろう?たぶん貧乏な人を含めて、40人は超えると思う。だが、「今の留学環境に満足していない」なんていう悩みを持つ人は、0.001人にも満たないだろう。くそ贅沢な悩みだ。他の99.999の人にしてみれば、「What're you worrid about, Mother Fucker!?」ぐらいのものだろう。ゆえに、たぶん俺は自分で選んだこの環境で戦わなければならない。基本的に。いくら満足していなくてもだ。していないなら、自分で周りを変えればいい。違う環境に移るというのは、最悪のパターンだ。まさに逃げ。




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