-=嵐のリーダー大ファン's diary=-^^

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2013/07/16 ready!
2013/05/03 プラチナデータ
2013/05/02 お土産
2013/04/20 誕生会
2013/04/19 PC DVD 20130420

直接移動: 20137 5 4 月  20125 4 3 2 1 月  201112 11 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  201012 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200912 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200812 11 7 6 1 月  200712 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 月  200612 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200312 11 10 9 8 6 2 1 月 

2009/01/30(金) remind & unforgettable
I had promised that I'll not cry for something anymore.
But,I can't....
"On the happy festival, more than ever we think of dear ones far away"
I thought a lots in these few days..
sigh~~all about that must not be repeated~~but I have no regrets for life there.
I will never forget all things at that time absolutely.


2009/01/28(水) These three days..
This Lunar New Year was all wild pleasure and delight.
I wish the happy feeling can spread around this year.~^^

2009/01/27(火) Mainland China~
Shenzhen is colder than Hong Kong and have light rain fell~It made our body trembled.

Today was not many things to do and not many things to play but happy~^^
I was very happy when I played with cousin~~that moment let me reminded our childhood in Wai Chow, It was full of joy~and~I miss grandma so much~_~
(It's really--really the most memorable life of me.)

Today is a precious day of this year.
I treasure our family's day~

finally~we want to try the new check post~so we went to 福田口岸(HK call it "落馬洲") ~ such a big check post @@

2009/01/24(土) decorated my home~
(this area only @@)

2009/01/21(水) Shizuoka

2009/01/20(火) 思い出の寫眞-TOMA & Satoshi
(Introduce the photo first.
pics is from the Drama -【Maou】DVD,
left-hand side is about shot the final scene of last episode and right-hand side is finished all shot of Maou.And
***it's my favorite drama***)

There are two main reasons why I like this two photos,
1. two of leading role is my idol, they have a great acting talent.
2. their smile is so heartfelt, especially TOMA's smiling face, he was always smiling in everywhere, let others can feel his happiness.

This is a precious pictures taken behind the scenes of MAOU. You can see that there are smiles on their faces even though they are so serious in the drama~!

2009/01/19(月) 歌のおにいさん
(pic of ep 1)
Ohno's eyes are sparkling in this drama (actually,just in this drama...@@).
he can always keep it bright.~amaze~haha~
if I were him with this sparkling eyes, I can attract many opposite sex because it's so charming.
(I don't know whether men's like this type of eye or not?but I trust my instincts~)
HAHA~Silly theory~

2009/01/15(木) Ohno TV
last round~

2009/01/14(水) ヴォイス~命なき者の声~

2009/01/13(火) 十年~wish~
I have an idea suddenly~
It's about to hold an activities for some of my friends and me who were knew in 1999,

the activity are likely to be a supper..or others..I can't firm up now~
let us to celebrate our friendship 10th Anniversary~

I want to hold an activities for us in summer 2009.
will it be come true?

2009/01/11(日) ONE LOVE
It is first time I watched Arashi sang the song "ONE LOVE" on TV in HD.
I was touched beyond words and really excited about that~
(ONE LOVE is the song which I like most in 2008.)

-Arashi luv~

2009/01/10(土) 歌のおにいさん
Crazy~I wrote/post many things in these few days,it's all about Ohno Satoshi,
The child really makes people love him~Cute Boy~haha~
No matter sing, dance, drawing...etc. he is good in these aspects.
he is talent~
#His sound made me melt so many times~.


2009/01/09(金) Ohno's TV Schedule
bitterly cold today~
10 degrees Centigrade~

8 degrees Centigrade Tomorrow~+______+
my four limbs are icy with the cold weather.

Ohno-TV 再追加~^^

2009/01/08(木) faint
I can see Ohno on TV everyday except Tuesday and Sunday~^^

2009/01/04(日) Friends~
Kana & Poka have leave today~

Toward the goal~
Try hard for everything you want and take care~!!
Hope that they a happy life in oversea~^^

2009/01/03(土) Dearest~Last Day in JP~
TUNG:「I can't get many chances to meet you in JP if I go to OSAKA」

haha~it's not a fact~^^


Ganbatte for study in US~!!
My lovely friend~ kana~

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